Application Forms


The Sport Alliance programs and grants to assist sports groups and families.  

Application Forms are available on line for the Sobeys Voucher Program, KidSport, Travel and Hosting Assistance, and Community Sport Grants.

For more information please go to "Programs" on this website.

Click here to fill out Application Forms.


Guidelines to Submit a Form


1. Have the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader DC installed on your computer


2. Make sure that Adobe Reader is opening the PDF by right-clicking on the link, selecting "Save As" and save the document to your computer.  Once saved, right-click on the file and choose to "Open with..." and select Adobe Reader from the list.  From here, you may fill out and submit the form.


3. If using Microsoft Outlook to send the form, you must have your email opened at the time of submission in order for the form to be sent.


Nomination Forms


The Sport Alliance administers several awards in support of Mount Pearl based sports and athletics. The Sports Hall of Fame, as well as Recognition, Achievement, and Annual Awards form are available on line. Is there someone you know who should be recognized? 


For more information, go to "Programs" on this website.

Click here to fill out Nomination Forms.




Forms can be filled out online and submitted or saved for future submission.


 If you are unlikely to complete any form in one sitting we recommend you save the document to your computer and when you finish simply click on "submit" at the end of the form and it will self attach to an e-mail message which you can then send.  



 - If using Microsoft Outlook, you must have your e-mail opened at the time of submission in order for form to get sent on to us!


 - If using any other e-mail server (hotmail, etc.) you must save the form and attach to a new e-mail. You can then e-mail the form to


 - Any forms that have signature feilds may be left blank, and when your application has been approved you can stop by to sign the papers.



Click here to fill out any Other Forms.

